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Fabric:åÊPureåÊchiffonåÊsaree pairedåÊwithåÊpureåÊcrepeåÊblouse (unstitched)åÊSizeåÊandåÊfit:åÊSariåÊlengthåÊ-åÊ5.50åÊmetersåÊBlouseåÊlengthåÊ-åÊ1åÊmeterColor:åÊoff-whiteWorkåÊType: DigitalåÊPrintProductåÊandåÊCareåÊInstructions:åÊDryåÊOnlyNote:åÊ1.åÊThe sareeåÊshownåÊinåÊthisåÊpictureåÊisåÊforåÊdisplayåÊpurposesåÊonly.åÊTheåÊsareeåÊcomesåÊwith a plain crepe blouse unstithed. åÊThereåÊmayåÊbeåÊsomeåÊcoloråÊdifferencesåÊdueåÊtoåÊtheåÊneedåÊforåÊadditionalåÊlightingåÊduringåÊshooting.åÊPleaseåÊcooperateåÊwithåÊusåÊforåÊsomeåÊsubtleåÊcoloråÊdifferences.
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Radhika Purchase Soft linen cotton saree with digital print and silver patti border.
Radhika Purchase Soft Delta Moss two toned saree with beautiful self jacquard all over and jacquard border
Radhika Purchase Soft delta moss saree with floral print and self jacquard all over with tassels on pallu
Radhika Purchase Soft organza saree with fflower print and lining border all over 
Radhika Purchase Heavy wieghtless all over flower print and 1000 butti with beautiful contrast piping .
Radhika Purchase Georgette fabric with additional smoke work with beautiful leather foil with heavy tone to tone embroidary work blouse
Radhika Purchase Soft Chanderi Cotton Saree with Digital Print Stripe
Radhika Purchase Beautiful Benny crape saree with all over kalamkari design along with scallop maggam work lace at border
Radhika Purchase Beautiful Soft Dola Jacquard sarees
Radhika Purchase Soft Delta Moss saree with jari satin border
Radhika Purchase soft silk Rajwadi cotton saree with lagdi patta saree
Radhika Purchase Soft Cotton Crape Saree with woven sequence design all over.
Radhika Purchase Soft Georgette saree with beautiful floral prints and heavy zari bentex border.